What’s the most popular data stored by Fleet Management tools like FleetManagerPlus?
Our Fleet Management software stores all the data you need on your vehicles, whether we supplied them or not. Our clients say one of the key benefits of FleetManagerPlus is that all their vehicles’ data is in one place. But what information do they look for most often?
Number 1 is mileage. Using our mileage comparison tool means you can compare the actual mileage with the anticipated mileage for the contract. A lot of people find this really helpful in managing how they run their vehicles and which vehicles they use for different things.
Number 2 is contacts for incidents like windsceen chips etc. This data is really handy when you need it. And when you need it, you need it fast. Knowing you have all this data in one place is a big asset of the software.
Number 3 is contract end date. Keeping on top of contracts is important the more vehicles you are managing. Having this data to hand is time saving and makes life that much easier.
Whatever data you need on your vehciles it can be stored in FleetManagerPlus.